Firghe Democrat Azerbaijan Reforms and the Post-Soviet Releases Documents

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran

2 M.A. in international Relations, Islamic Azad University


This article tends to analyze the roots of Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (Firghe Democrat-e Azerbaijan) and the reforms it meant to implement during its single year of life in Iran from the mid 1945 to the mid 1946. The main aim of the article is to search the nature of its reforms and to see whether they were independent or whether the Soviet Union dictated actions. While many studies have been done on the rise and the fall of FIRGHE Democrat, but its reforms and their relations to the Soviet Union’s policies have not been the subject of an independent work. The paper concentrates on the post-Soviet era released official documents, particularly the Stalin’s formal commands issued in 1946. A comparison between the content of the commands and Firghe’s reforms, leads us to the conclusion that the reforms were part of the Soviet Union’s strategy to legitimize the Firghe’s policies and reinforce the Soviet’s presence in Iran in the years after the Second World War.


  1. الف) فارسی

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